I am a third-year PhD student at School of Education, UC Irvine, working with Dr. Shayan Doroudi and Dr. Kylie Peppler. Previously, I received my Master's degree in Educational Technology from Teachers College, Columbia University and earned my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Art History from Smith College. I also had the opportunity to research at URCS and Zhejiang Lab.
My research explores how AI and technology mediate human-human collaboration and communication, particularly in learning environments. I investigate AI's role in how people create, share, receive, and adopt information from one another, focusing on both formal and informal settings—including small group interactions in classrooms, large-scale digital platforms like social media and citizen science, and in-person engagements. My work aims to understand how AI shapes knowledge co-construction, influences collaboration dynamics, and impacts decision-making.

- [Sept 2022] Excided to join UCI as a PhD student advised by Dr. Shayan Doroudi and Dr. Kylie Peppler.
- [Mar 2022] Our paper on understanding learners' engagement in user-generated video platforms got accepted to CSCL'22 as a poster.