Fine Arts
Chinese Fine painting Wintry Mountain Landscape
Glassy Lights in the Dark Chinese Fine painting
Illustration at Smith College Morning Coffe and Rose
The Hunter: a photobook, 2017

Educational Animations
Bee Pollination, 2022 (in collaboration with Annie Qiu)

Original Music
Untitled(violin and cello)
I wrote this piece in 2018 and it was performed by two faculties at Smith College. It is a classical duet between cello and violin.
I made this piece using Moog synthesizer and reaper.
This is an experimental piece I made in 2019. Most of the sounds were captured from daily but unnoticed snippets. I wanted to tell an ambivalent story using different sounds.
To My Friend
The inspiration for this piece is my friendship with a childhood friend and those uncatchable memories.

Art History Essays
Gothic and Chinoiserie
The celebrated large blue and white Oriental China Cistern, on the Gothic carved pedestal in Strawberry Hill, is an unusual juxtaposition of “Chinese” and “Gothic”. While the combination may be awkward to people today, the two styles were often placed together in eighteenth-century Europe. I endeavor to propose three reasons that lead to such vogue.
Song Paintings in the United States
This paper discusses briefly the starting stage of the collection and preservation of Chinese Song Dynasty paintings in the United States beginning from the early 20th century, with a focus on the Song painting collection in the Boston Museum of Fine Art and Freer Gallery of Art.