I am a third-year PhD student at School of Education, UC Irvine, working with Dr. Shayan Doroudi and Dr. Kylie Peppler. Previously, I received my Master's degree in Educational Technology from Teachers College, Columbia University and earned my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Art History from Smith College. I also had the opportunity to research at URCS and Zhejiang Lab.
My research explores how technology supports teachers and learners in fostering collaborative learning across diverse settings. This includes informal and formal spaces, such as small group interactions in classrooms, large-scale platforms like social media and citizen science, and in-person engagements. I am particularly focused on building environments and understanding how learners collaborate and interact within them, aiming to create equitable, safe, and inclusive spaces that foster fairness and equal opportunities for all learners.
- [Sept 2022] Excided to join UCI as a PhD student advised by Dr. Shayan Doroudi and Dr. Kylie Peppler.
- [Mar 2022] Our paper on understanding learners' engagement in user-generated video platforms got accepted to CSCL'22 as a poster.